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Well, Now you have done it! You've managed to waste countless hours.. and time "surfing the net." And now after all the bull shit that you put up with (ie. Net Crashing, 404 errors, porno invites, wrong link, bad search engines, slow modems.. etc. etc. etc. etc.) so i guess i'm here to give you some kind of break... Ok fine.. I will.
Honestly i dont know what the hell i'm going to put on this site. It's all realy quite random and subject to my own whim. But yes most off all you will find my rants. the one thing that I hope to be trade marked for at some point in my life. So before you continue onto the rest of my site. I am going to give you a list of the kinds of people that should not be "viewing" this site.

As for the rest of you. "Born in sin, Come on in!"