{if you want to view this page and have the best experiance you can. Please view with Netscape 4.0 and if you are unable to hear the music, you need a quicktime plug in!}
Well, Now you have done it! You've managed to waste countless hours.. and time "surfing the net." And now after all the bull shit that you put up with (ie. Net Crashing, 404 errors, porno invites, wrong link, bad search engines, slow modems.. etc. etc. etc. etc.) so i guess i'm here to give you some kind of break... Ok fine.. I will.
Honestly i dont know what the hell i'm going to put on this site. It's all realy quite random and subject to my own whim. But yes most off all you will find my rants. the one thing that I hope to be trade marked for at some point in my life. So before you continue onto the rest of my site. I am going to give you a list of the kinds of people that should not be "viewing" this site.
Any person looking for some half/fully naked chick, so he/she can wank off to it. If you would like to view that kind of site
click here. (Do you realy think I would link someone to a Porno site?!)
You are some pre-pubescent child who is obsesed with bevis and or butthead, simply because you have nothing better to do than copy what an older sibling did three years back when they were popular. So if you are one listed in the catagory, go play wiht your big bird and bert/earnie dolls (So I dont like little kids.. or at least the annoying ones.)
You are some gangster fuck-up who thinks that Tu-Pak is still alive hiding out in South America with his "Homies" and still will come out with his greatest hits record.
Your Trendy.
Stuck up Red neck. (cant have them running around)
Satan Worshipers. If you are amongst them go sacrafice a damn hamster, but just go the hell away. Or even better invest your religiouse time into Zen, or anything with a somewhat possitive effect.
Republican (Not even going to start. Thanks Sean!)
Old half baked hippy whore, who hangs out at the Pagan conventions with no bra. And whose hilight of the day is her/his (yeah some guys need bras too!) 3 lbs. of weed.
Depressed people. If you are depressed, and by some stroke of mighty prozac pills, have made it out of your dark trench and onto my web page go away. I mean GET SOME HELP!
this should help
The paranoid (YES I'M WATCHING YOU. IN YOUR WINDOWS.. IN YOUR SHOWER!! HAHAHAHAHA JUST LOOK OUT. I KNOW WHERE YOU LIVE and what kind of toilet paper you buy...)
I have told you to go the hell away.
The words "E'PLUREBUS UNEM" scare you.
You dissagree with my race, then tell me you made a mistake and meant my religion.
Your favorite movie is titanic
Conformist. You probably cane to to have fun. But in the process descided to copy my idea and make your own web page with the same intro. GO AWAY! Go to the gap.. go to the mall, hey even better I hear they have a sale at we seals. (Well if you are under this catagory, you probaby are not reading this because you got in your car to go to the mall at some point around the word SALE)
As for the rest of you.
"Born in sin, Come on in!"